DBS d.o.o. Banja Luka is business association which is active on the market of Serb Republic and Bosnia and Hercegovina since 2014. It is strategic partner from company DBS KONSEL SECURITY SERVICE d.o.o. Beograd, which has business tradition of about 15 years and more than 70 employees, high-profiled staff in the field of security and protection (security academies and schools, eletrotechnical and faculties of information technology), as well as and average annual turnover of over 3 million euros.


DBS KONSEL SECURITY SERVICE is system integrator and association qualified with its own resources and equipment of reputable world produces, offers to every client adjusted solution in all areas of technical security regardless of the size of facilities, complexity of demands and conditions of exploitation. The best performance is achieved with close partner cooperation with producers of equipment and solutions , as well as Sony, Geutebrueck, Axis, Flir, Honeywel, Gunnebo...

Permanent dedication to safety of clients and fulfillment of their demands, brought head company to the level which covers about 25% market of Serbia in area of technical security.

In accordance with above mentioned DBS d.o.o. Banja Luka can certainly be proud to have confident strategic partner, which supports us both in staff, and in technical sence.

Beside mentioned activities in area of technical security and protection, DBS d.o.o. Banja Luka is also involved in making of acts of evaluation of risk, by designing security and protection systems, making of elaborates, regulations and guidelines in area of security and protection, according to internationally recognized standards, and all thanks to the enviable praxis of licenced experts in area of security and protection.